Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 5

Hey everyone!
Today was another beautiful day here in Leogone!  We started off our day with a breakfast once again of delicious bread along with something new-hard boiled eggs.  During breakfast, Jasmine asked for two of us to stick with some of the toddlers throughout the day.  New nannies are coming in for the toddlers so April and I hung out with the “rambunctious” ones so that while the nannies are in training tomorrow, the little ones will be used to us already and be comfortable staying with us again.  We had Jimsley, Evelyn, Emanuel, and Rolvenski and they were great!  Tomorrow should be a breeze. J   The rest of the girls tackled the project of painting the kitchen and it turned out very nice.  The guys were back to digging their enormous pit and then enjoyed trying to get out without a ladder haha. Lunch was special because today was one of the little girls Jessica birthday!  Some of the sweet ladies from Touch Global that are here during the day made cupcakes, blew up balloons, and then put on a CD of tunes like Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes and there was an awesome dance party!  The rest of the day was spent lovin on the kids.  Fried chicken and rice was for dinner and it was DELIOUS! 
Breaking news is that April got her whole head braided and it looks fabulous!!  She and Kate are really starting to fit in J
Alrighty, that’s all for now. Please pray for strength to stay focused in these last few days here and that we would continue to reflect Christ’s love in all we say and do.  Thank you all so much and we’ll see you soon!
Good night!


  1. Thank you, Hannah, Brooke and Sarah, for your great descriptions of your ministry there! We love you all and are praying. Miss you all ( Kate!).Mom W.

  2. I hope you got lots of pictures of Kate & April with their cornrows! We miss you all & are praying for you! See you Sat. Love, Mom M.
